About Project
Website Renovation Coupled with SEO-friendly Structure resulting in Improved Search Engine Rankings and Sustainable Leads
About Product Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.
Industry Vertical
Targeted Country
Business Type
Lead Generation
An offshore outsourcing IT firm (based in Philipines) needed to redesign its website and align it accordingly with the current digital marketing trends. The objective was to make it search engine friendly and noticeable among clients, especially through professional marketing services.
Reeva Digital was approached and hired by this up-and-coming firm to address its problems, attain the outcomes, and most importantly, sustain those results. What follows below is the details of how RD, through its digital marketing services, helped the client find a strong foot and made it notable in both the national and international market.
The first problem was its stale design. Given how fast the contour and technologies of web design and digital marketing change, it could be said that a renovation was long overdue. The client’s website had not been updated for more than five years.
The second problem was having a clientele from all over the world. As an offshore outsourcing company, this was a must and though it was doing quite well in the local market (with more than 80% of traffic), it wasn’t enough.
The third problem was to get an upper hand with a competitive edge that made it robust enough to contend with other local and international offshore outsourcing development firms. For this, it needed to be good with web design, prompt with response, and of course, more visible with digital marketing services.
Our Custom-tailored Solutions
After assessing the prerequisites, our clients (after a detailed discussion with us) hired our digital marketing services along with an ensemble team that consisted of a senior SEO expert, social media executive, and content writer. Our custom-tailored solutions focused on International and local SEO marketing, LinkedIn marketing, and email marketing.
We have enlisted the services hired by our clients (to give you a better comprehension of our approach):
- Consulting services for:
- Website architecture
- UI/UX design enhancement
- Recruitment of Digital Marketing Team
- Content marketing
- Content writing services
- SEO – Website optimization
- Keyword research
- SEO title and meta creation
- Image optimization
- Blog redesign
- Initialization for eBook publishing
- Recruitment
- In-house digital marketing team
- Consulting HR team to drive social media campaigns
The Work Process
Our process commenced with an in-depth website analysis that included Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Google Business Listing. We created a report with a thorough analysis of the gathered. This helped us to understand the current scenario and the immediate action takeaways.
We also started working on the website’s architecture and prepared a structure that was comprehensible to the development team. We worked on:
– URL Structure
– Breadcrumb Structure
– Internal Linking Structure
We worked rigorously on the design structure of over 250 web pages and created the entire flow of the page in terms of both design and content. The documentation was prepared in such a way that both designers and content writers can get the page flow and stay on the same page by creating content accordingly.
While the website was in development, our marketing team started its work on website optimization with a special focus on SEO. The website was rigorously tested for performance and to verify the following things:
– Google Page Speed
– Core Web Vitals
– 404 Errors, 301 Errors, and 5XX Errors
– Internal Linking
– SEO Meta Data Implementation
Content Marketing & Content Optimization
Website Redesign and SEO Optimization
Optimization Local SEO
SEO Reporting and Analysis, Lead Generation
Tools Used
End Results
The outcome of the project turned out satisfactory for our clients and for Reeva Digital as well. The renovated website offered its visitors a fresh perspective with its improved speed, better design, smooth UI, and trimmed content.
Our client has since seen growth in its company in terms of visitors, clientele, and global visibility. Presently, Reeva Digital continues to work with the offshore development firm with its maintenance services, thus, keeping it in good shape.