About Project

Reeva Digital Brings Refined Leads for the USA-based Automotive Online Retailer with Personalized Google Ad Campaigns

About Product Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.


Reeva Digital had the opportunity to work with a New York-based online auto parts store, which ranked among the top 5 selling stores in the USA. The company was required to upgrade its online shop’s front store design and update the website’s architecture to make it SEO-friendly.


At the same time, it needed to optimize its Google PPC Campaigns to generate relevant leads. Its monthly traffic was somewhere around 250,000+ and monthly sales were around $500,000. Our objective was to take this amount higher, not just in terms of quantity but also in the qualitative context.



As one of the top auto parts selling stores, our client already had millions of products (SKUs) available on the company’s site. But the problem was that its website’s search wasn’t dynamic, and the URL structure was not SEO-friendly.


Also, it needed more refined leads (ones that would have maximum chances of getting converted into customers). The toughest challenge we had was to restructure the entire website without disturbing its current position.


So we mainly needed to work on the design, structure, and advertising campaigns. We had to rework on Google Adwords account and Google Merchant account. We also had to get along with the Cataloging team that prepared the databases using ACEs and PIEs using PCDBA and VCDBA. 

Our Custom-tailored Solutions

Before we began our work on the website, we knew that it would require a well-researched and thorough plan with meticulous execution. So we needed our consulting experts on this, and that’s where we started.

The consulting team worked together with the developers and designers to pick out the most suitable web development platforms. They went with platforms that provided developers with in-built SEO tools. This in turn helped our digital marketers to carry out optimization in a better way.

The main focus of our custom-tailored solutions was website optimization (especially for local SEO) and optimization of Google accounts. The services hired by our clients are enlisted below.

  1. Consulting Services for:

- Website Architect

- UI/UX Design Enhancement

  1. SEO – Website Optimization

- Keyword Research

- Competitors Analysis

- SEO Title and Meta Creation

- Image Optimization

  1. Advertising Campaigns

- Google Merchant Account Optimization

- Google Adwords (PPC – Shopping ads, display ads, performance maximization, and remarketing)

The Work Process


Working for well-established clients has tremendous pressure to it, especially because they already have a good name to keep. So we had to see to it that our entire digital marketing strategy was executed without hampering the website’s current position, which already ranked in the top 5 stores in the USA.


We commenced with a thorough website analysis and created a report to have better insights. This was done with the AREF tool and the data was gathered with the help of Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Merchant account, and Google Adwords.


With the help of our consulting experts and expert team of web developers and designers, we recommended the most dynamic and robust website structure for our clients. This gave a modern look to the website along with seamless user navigation.


Our next step was to map the current performance of the site and create multiple benchmarks for all the required metrics. We further proceeded with an extensive analysis of the competitors along with in-depth keyword research.


Our focus was to get the website refurnished as soon as possible so that we can execute our work on the Google Adwords account and have the ROI maximized. So we started to optimize the AdWords campaign to better ACOs.

Keyword Research & Competitor Analysis

Strategy Development & Platform Selection

Website & Advertising Campaign Optimization

Content Strategy and Creation & Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)


Tools Used

End Results

Our efforts including proper planning, implementation, and execution resulted in noticeable changes. In the very first week, we were able to bring down the ACOS by almost 50%, and by the second week, it stood below 10%.

From there onwards, we kept on managing, maintaining, and optimizing the campaigns and added more based on the new inventory.

From the 2nd Quater sales went up by 100%.

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